Referral Type









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Families First

This is for families who cannot afford any payment whatsoever. In this case Utah Youth Village would provide the program completely free to you. The wait time for our scholarship families varies, but is typically 4-8 weeks, for any community statewide. If interested, please email familiesfirstreferrals@youthvillage.org to find out the current approximate wait time for your area.

The wait time for our full pay families is approximately 2-4 weeks depending on the waitlist at the time of the referral. We will do our best to have your family assigned in the shortest amount of time possible. Payments can be broken down into payment plans. If this is your selection you will be contacted by a member of Families First to begin the process and to discuss an approximate wait time. If you have further questions please email familiesfirstreferrals@youthvillage.org.

If you are able to make a partial payment, we will have you fill out a sliding scale form showing your monthly income vs expenses to help determine a fair price for you to receive our service. This payment can be broken down into a monthly payment plan if needed. The wait time for our partial pay families is typically around 3-5 weeks, but could be shorter based on the waitlist at the time the referral is made. If this is your selection you will be contacted by a member of Families First to begin the process of determining and setting up payment and discuss an approximate wait time. If you have further questions please email Familiesfirstreferrals@youthvillage.org.